Join Us!
We will keep this space updated when we have open positions emerge.
Joining a start-up lab is an adventure, but we are all in it together, and success is shared. Our lab C.O.D.E. is as follows:
Community. We should be doing science because we love it, but sometimes that can be tough. We want a supportive group that picks each other up in the bad times, and celebrates the good times!
Open Science. Our work is publicly funded, so lab output should be part of the public domain. This means sharing data and protocols with colleagues, submitting preprints, and prioritizing open access publications. Open science leads to better science.
Diversity. A diverse lab means diverse opinions, diverse discussions, diverse methodologies and once again, this leads to better science. We will strive to have a lab that is gender-balanced and multicultural.
Ecology. We will do our bit to limit plastic and energy waste. This is easier said than done, but it is important. Ideas for places we can do better are encouraged. We will put the Green in Greenberg Lab.